Hosting & domein registratie
Dedicated servers
Met snelle en betrouwbare verbindingen.
Availability | 99% |
Bandwidth | 550 GBit |
Switch port | 100 MBit |
Managed servers
Ons aanbod aan managed dedicated servers kunt u hier downloaden, of bekijk de onderstaande pakketten.
€ p/m |
Terms and conditions
Per 20-09-2012
These terms and conditions are general for all ID Bureau products. We have the right to disable any service if the terms and conditions are violated.
Payments in advance
All offers have to be paid before giving payment term.
We facilitate service and therefore are never accountable for lost data. We advise to take care of your data backups. ID Bureau can assist in setting up a minimum risk hosting environment, and setting up a backup-plan.
No adult content
We do not allow any form of pornography or naked content to be hosted on our servers, or registered domainnames.